Lord Rutherford's birthplace |
Kanuka flowers |
Kawaka foliage, NZ native |
Tawhero tree leaves |
Tawhero tree leaves |
Broadleaf leaves |
NZ Pimelea flowers |
NZ Pimelea flowers |
Kiekie flowers |
Banded dotterel |
Banded dotterel |
Banded dotterel |
Banded dotterel |
Banded dotterel |
Umbrella fern, native |
Makamaka leaves |
Makamaka leaves, native |
Makamaka tree, native |
Makamaka tree flowers |
Makamaka tree flowers |
Kiekie in flower |
Red Beech tree flowers |
NZ Wood Pigeon, Kereru |
Chatham Island forget-me-not |
Chatham Island forget-me-not |
Chatham Island forget-me-not |
Brown trout fishing |
Brown trout fishing |
NZ Wood Pigeon, Kereru |
Baby wild Hare |
Kanuka forest texture |
Speargrass tips, NZ native |
Speargrass tips, NZ native |
Poor Knights Lily flowers emerging |
Water buttercups, NZ native |
Water buttercups, NZ native |
Water buttercups, NZ native |
Jointed rushes |
Jointed rushes |
Jointed rushes |
Creeping Pratia, Panakenake |
Perching Lily |
Perching Lily |
Sticky-stalked Daisy |
NZ Pimelea flowers |
Matai, Black Pine, leaves and fruit |
Matai, Black Pine, leaves and fruit |
Kauri tree new leaves |
Pittosporum patulum |
Ramarama, NZ myrtle |
Ramarama, NZ myrtle |
Matai, Black Pine, leaves |
Elderflower picking |
Bidibidi seed heads and flowers |
Elderflower picking |
Elderflower picking |
4x4 old track clearing |
4x4 old track clearing |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |