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Licencing Photos from Nature's Pic Images
For high quality unique New Zealand stock imagery you've found an important resource.

  We specialise in licensing high quality images for commercial use.
Advertising - Editorial - Annual Reports - Web sites - Books - Billboards - Calendars - Product labels
Corporate Decor - Brochures - Postcards - Presentations - CD-roms - interior design....
This site contains thousands of New Zealand images that are licensed to meet clients' needs. We're solution focussed and keen to help you find the right photographs. We handle all kinds of image uses, and are very happy to help with advice in full confidence.

  How do I use the lightbox feature to order images or request a quote?
1) Browse or search for image thumbnails  
2) Click on any thumbnail image to see the large view
3) Save image to your lightbox by clicking on the Add to lightbox icon
4) Manage and review your selection at:
5) Check out your selection seek a no obligation quote from us.
  How do I receive images?
We supply high quality images to meet all your requirements immediately, and they can be supplied as:
  • Digital TIFF Files on CD-ROM (best for quality high resolution, couriered in NZ at no extra cost)
  • Digital Files via E-mail or FTP download (quickest, normally Jpeg files)
  How do I pay for images?
Payment is on commercial invoice (in New Zealand or approved international), or if you prefer, online secure credit card payments for      

  How long does it take?
It's immediate if it's during a NZ Business Day. We can get images to you as soon as you need them (subject to normal office hours and holidays of course, but we're pretty much 16/7).

  What about personal prints?
We supply high quality lambda digital photographic prints or high quality Canvas Photo Art Prints of any image on this site for personal use, or commercial interior decors. These can be ordered and paid for online (Click here to see how).

  Why do we put watermarks on our web images?
We only put our watermark on our samples - not high resolution images we licence. Why is explained here
  Can I get larger samples (or comps) without your watermark?
Sure, drop us an email with image ID numbers, or submit a lightbox submission and tell us you need comps. We'll dispatch larger files that you can use in draft layouts or client pitches.
NATURE'S PIC IMAGES - New Zealand nature, scenic, and wildlife photography and stock image library
Phone: (+64 4) 478-8989   |  Fax: (+64 4) 232-5023
Email:   |   Website: or

Website & all Images © 2024 Rob L. Suisted--Nature's Pic Images. All Rights reserved. Our images are digitally tracked for unlawful usage.