Rain falling on water |
Rain falling on water |
White clover flowers |
White clover flowers |
Plane tree leaves |
Native Bronze Cranes-bill flowers |
NZ native Mountain Aniseed |
NZ native Mountain Aniseed |
Hebe buchananii |
Speargrass flower |
Speargrass flower |
NZ native Sea Holly |
Cudweed flowers, NZ native |
Cudweed flowers, NZ native |
Cudweed flowers, NZ native |
Wild Sika deer hind and yearling |
Hebe buchananii |
Tararua speargrass |
Tararua speargrass |
Tararua speargrass |
Chionochloa flavicans flowers |
Eroded coastal limestone rock |
Monarch butterfly caterpillar |
Northland green gecko |
Wild lupin flowers |
Inkweed plant pest |
Wild lupin flowers |
Wild lupin flowers |
Paradise Shelducks |
Paradise Shelducks |
Native Paradise Shelducks |
Native Paradise Shelducks |
Takahe and photographer |
Takahe and photographer |
Native NZ Dock plant |
Native NZ Dock plant |
Hebe odora leaves, NZ native |
Beech tree growth - Silver beech |
Beech tree growth - Silver beech |
Beech tree growth - Silver beech |
Beech tree growth - Silver beech |
Pingao in flower, native dune grass |
Pingao in flower, native dune plant |
Pingao in flower, native dune plant |
Brunner Mine Disaster graves |
Brunner Mine Disaster graves |
Silver Beech tree flowers |
Silver Beech tree flowers |
Red Beech tree flowers |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers |
Red Beech tree flowers |
Red Beech tree flowers |
Red Beech tree flowers |
Lord Rutherford's birthplace |