Adelie penguins in a blizzard |
Adelie penguin in snow storm |
Adelie penguin in snow storm |
Spiral patterned 'catseye shells' |
Leopard seal with dead penguin |
Leopard seal killing penguin |
Snares crested penguins on rock |
Snares crested penguins on rocks |
Close up Snares crested penguin |
Snares crested penguins on rock |
Young Southern Elephant Seals |
Young Southern Elephant Seals |
Southern Elephant Seals on beach |
Southern Elephant Seals |
Elephant Seal with mouth open |
Southern Elephant Seal juveniles |
Young Southern Elephant Seal |
King Penguins in breeding colony |
King Penguin adults and young |
King Penguin adults and young |
King Penguins on the beach |
Sun shafts on Auckland Islands |
Sun shafts on Auckland Islands |
Tourists on coast, Enderby Island |
Southern Royal Albatross |
King Penguins stretching flippers |
King penguin profile close up |
King penguin calling, flippers up |
Royal Penguins fighting |
Royal Penguins fighting |
Royal Penguins on rocky coast |
Royal Penguins mutual grooming |
Royal Penguins clean each other |
Royal Penguin walking on beach |
Royal & King Penguins on beach |
Southern Elephant Seals on beach |
Southern Elephant Seals fighting |
Southern Elephant Seals fighting |
Rock Hopper penguin close-up |
Icicles hanging from icebergs |
Icicles hanging off iceberg |
Icicles hanging from iceberg |
Three penguins on a blue iceberg |
Penguins jump from iceberg to sea |
South Polar Skua descent |
Two South Polar Skuas |
Chinstrap penguin, Antarctica |
Chinstrap penguin, Antarctica |
Adelie penguins approach camera |
Adelie penguin chick, all alone |
Adelie penguin cleaning flipper |
Sand sediment patterns |
Weathered wood grain pattern |
Silver Eye bird feeding its chick |
Wgtn Zoo Rad Panda feeding |
Kiokio fern leaf close up |
Pohutukawa tree flowers |
Flax flower heads |
Flax flower heads |
Shells, pebbles & stones pattern |