Te Mata Estate oak wine barrels |
Te Mata Estate oak wine barrels |
Te Mata winery cellar, Hawke's Bay |
Te Mata Estate oak wine barrels |
Auckland City waterfront |
Auckland Ferry building |
Big River quartz gold mine |
Big River quartz gold mine ruins |
Big River quartz gold mine ruins |
Big River quartz gold mine ruins |
Poppet Head structure/Big River mine |
Poppet Head structure/Big River mine |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |
Inside engine shed/Big River mine |
Inside engine shed/Big River mine |
Inside engine shed/Big River mine |
Inside engine shed/Big River mine |
Rangipo Desert/Mt Ruapehu |
Tarndale cob homestead, Molesworth |
Poison bait station on fence post |
Twilight in the Awatere River valley |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterer with his horse and dogs |
Musterer on horseback |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterer with his horse and dog |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Lands & Survey mark |
Lands & Survey mark |
Red Gate Hut, Molesworth Station |
Ngapotiki Hut, Cape Palliser |
Parnell Road, Auckland |
Parnell Road, Auckland |
Parnell Road, Auckland |
Hail stones amongst silverbeet |
Hail stones amongst silverbeet |
Hail stones amongst coriander |
Moki Tunnel or the Hobbit's Hole |
Moki Tunnel or the Hobbit's Hole |
Jeep climbing over "Devil's Gate" |
Visitor looking over Lake Rotoroa |
Visitor looking over Lake Rotoroa |
Timber Logs |
Timber Logs |
Port Awanui & Te Wharau Beach |
Camping beside Upper Buller River |
Visitors going to Cape Kidnappers |
Visitors going to Cape Kidnappers |
Mahinapua walkway, West Coast |
Early morning fishing boat, Milford |
Canterbury plains |
Big River quartz gold mine |
Horse and buggy |
Tokomaru Bay |
Cattle feeding on stream side |