Red tussock (Chionochloa rubra) |
Red tussock (Chionochloa rubra) |
Karo Fruit, Pittosporum |
Karo Fruit, Pittosporum |
Karo Fruit, Pittosporum |
Karo Fruit, Pittosporum |
Karo Fruit, Pittosporum |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland |
Waikato farmland, blurred background |
Waikato farmland and forest remnants |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland and forest remnants |
Person drinking water from stream |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Waterway riparian plantings |
Waterway riparian plantings |
Whakapapa River, Owhango |
Whakapapa River, Owhango |
Whakapapa River, Owhango |
Train crossing viaduct, Ohakune |
Hapuawhenua Viaduct, Ohakune |
Train crossing viaduct, Ohakune |
Train crossing viaduct, Ohakune |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
North Hawke's Bay, Lake Rotonuiaha |
Pine timber logs for export |
North Hawke's Bay farmland |
Native fungi (Hypholoma brunneum) |
Ruatahuna, Te Urewera |
Ruatahuna, Te Urewera |
Conservation work, Short-tailed bats |
Tui bird plumage, feeding on flax |
Tui bird plumage, feeding on flax |
Central Otago orchards, Alexandra |
Central Otago orchards, Alexandra |
Otama Beach Pohutukawa tree |
Pohutukawa tree, Waihi beach, Coromandel |
Port Underwood forestry harvesting, Marlb Sds |
Port Underwood forestry harvesting, Marlb Sds |
Port Underwood forestry harvesting, Marlb Sds |
Port Underwood forestry harvesting, Marlb Sds |
Makuri River Gorge, Northen Wairarapa |
Makuri River Gorge, Northen Wairarapa |
Turakirae Head, Wellington |
Turakirae Head, Wellington |
Waihora Lagoon, Pureora Forest Taupo |
Waihora Lagoon, Pureora Forest Taupo |
Waihora Lagoon, Pureora Forest Taupo |
Kate Sheppard commemorative Camellia |
Kate Sheppard commemorative Camellia |