Sub Antarctic Rata forest |
Tararua Forest Park |
Tui bird feeding in NZ flax flowers |
Tui bird feeding in NZ flax flowers |
Puka Tree foliage and fruit |
Puka Tree foliage and fruit |
Puka Tree foliage and fruit |
Puka Tree foliage and fruit |
Seaward Kaikoura Ranges, Clarence |
Goat Is. marine reserve, Leigh |
Flax leaves |
Flax leaves panorama, NZ native |
Paterson Inlet, Stewart Is. |
Forest, Paterson Inlet, Stewart Is |
Millars Beach Bay and wharf |
Native Pohutukawa flowering panorama |
Native Pohutukawa flowering panorama |
Native Pohutukawa flowering panorama |
Native Pohutukawa flowering panorama |
Cathedral Cove beach, Coromandel |
Cathedral Cove beach, Coromandel |
Kowhai leaves |
Kohekohe tree forest, native |
Tarata, Lemonwood leaves |
Tarata, Lemonwood leaves |
Coprosma repens, Taupata |
Coprosma repens, Taupata |
Kawakawa tree, NZ native |
Manuka foliage |
Lancewood, adult and Juv forms |
Lancewood, juvenile leaf form |
Lancewood, juvenile leaf form |
Heketara leaf comparison |
Heketara leaf comparison |
Whau, native trees in forest |
Whau, native trees in forest |
Native NZ Whau tree seeds |
Five Finger tree leaves |
Five Finger tree leaves |
Five Finger tree leaves |
Coprosma repens, Taupata |
Ngaio tree leaves |
Ramarama, NZ myrtle |
NZ native tree ferns |
Mt Maunganui Papamoa Beach |
Mt Maunganui Papamoa Beach |
Mt Maunganui Papamoa Beach |
Mt Maunganui Papamoa Beach |
Papamoa Beach Access, Bay of Plenty |
Papamoa Beach Access, Bay of Plenty |
Papamoa Beach Access, Bay of Plenty |
Coastal pohutukawa trees, BOP |
Coastal pohutukawa trees, BOP |
Native Pingao, Papamoa Beach, BoP |
Native Pingao, Papamoa Beach, BoP |
Native Pingao, Papamoa Beach, BoP |
Native Pingao, Papamoa Beach, BoP |
Native Pingao, Papamoa Beach, BoP |
Native Pingao, Papamoa Beach, BoP |
Queen Palms, Papamoa Beach |