Irrigation sprinkler |
Amuri Plains irrigation scheme |
Amuri Plains irrigation scheme |
Amuri Plains irrigation scheme |
Amuri Plains irrigation scheme |
Waiau Plains irrigation scheme |
Waiau Plains irrigation scheme |
Waiau Plains irrigation scheme |
Waiau River irrigation |
Waiau River irrigation |
Waiau River irrigation |
North Canterbury irrigation |
North Canterbury irrigation |
North Canterbury dairy irrigation |
North Canterbury dairy irrigation |
North Canterbury dairy |
North Canterbury dairy irrigation |
North Canterbury dairy irrigation |
Bush gully, Molesworth Station |
Bush gully, Molesworth Station |
Bush gully, Molesworth Station |
Bush gully, Molesworth Station |
Kahikatea trees |
Kahikatea trees |
Old cob farm house |
Old cob farm house |
Old cob farm house |
Old farm house |
Old farm house |
Central Hawke's Bay farmland |
Dairy cow |
Dairy cows |
Dairy cows in sunset, Wairarapa |
Opawa River, Blenheim |
Pesticide spray drift |
Pesticide spray drift |
kahikatea tree in paddock |
Stockmen on horseback |
Stockmand on horseback |
Stockman & cattle |
Stockman & cattle |
Stockman & cattle |
Fletcher Bay beach campsite, |
Mt Ruapehu Ohakune panorama |
Aerial of farmland, Invercargill |
Aerial of farmland, Tapanui, Clutha |
Aerial of farmland, Tapanui, Clutha |
Aerial of farmland, Invercargill |
Aerial of farmland, Invercargill |
Aerial of farmland, Gore, Southland |
Aerial of farmland, Waikaka, Clutha |
Aerial of farmland, Tapanui, Clutha |
Aerial of farmland, Tapanui, Clutha |
Cattle mustering, high country |
Cattle mustering, high country |
Lake McRae, Molesworth Station |
Lake McRae, Molesworth Station |
Lake McRae, Molesworth Station |
High country mustering |
Molesworth Station high muster |