Gold-striped Gecko, NZ native |
Gold-striped Gecko, NZ native |
Native Pied Shag drying wings |
Pied Shag in middle of beach landing |
Pied Shag ruffling feathers |
Possibly new species of Giant Weta |
Native Giant Flax Weevil |
Native NZ Barking Gecko |
Pair of Barking Geckos |
Native NZ Barking Gecko pair |
NZ Native Green Gecko |
NZ micro snail out at night |
Native NZ snail on flax |
Native NZ snail on flax |
Native NZ snail on flax |
Native NZ snail on flax |
Native NZ snail on flax |
Native NZ snail on flax |
Seal & Porpoise meat, Greenland |
Products of sealing in Greenland |
Sale of Minke Whale in Greenland |
Native NZ Falcon |
Native NZ falcon |
New Zealand Falcon |
Native NZ Falcon |
Taxidermied Kakapo |
Falconer luring NZ falcon with bait |
Headshot of NZ Native Falcon |
NZ Native falcon in flight |
Native NZ Falcon in flight |
Native NZ Falcon in flight |
Endangered Cook Strait Giant Weta |
Endangered Cook Strait Giant Weta |
Native Brown Teal |
Native NZ Brown Teal |
Endangered Brown Teal |
Endangered Brown Teal |
Endangered Brown Teal |
Brown Teal or Pateke |
Brown Teal or Pateke |
Native NZ Brown Teal |
Endangered Brown Teal |
Endangered Brown Teal |
Native fantail resting on bush |
Native fantail resting on branch |
Native fantail perched on branch |
Native fantail perched on branch |
Black Tunnel Web spideer |
Tunnel Web Spider |
Native NZ Black Tunnelweb spider |
Black Tunnel Web Spider |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Native flax-veined slug |
Observing large Cave Weta |
Observing native Cave Weta |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
Endangered McGregor's skink |