Kakapo on woman's shoulder |
Kakapo bird |
Kakapo feet, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, foraging on Poroporo |
Kakapo eating Poroporo berries |
Kakapo, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo |
Kakapo bird |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird |
Kakapo |
Weka walking on grass |
Weka preening its feathers |
N.I. Kaka bird |
Pair of Takahe birds grazing |
Takahe |
A Takahe bird grazing |
Takahe bird |
Takahe |
Takahe looking for food |
Takahe |
N.I. Robin |
Hedgehog |
Hedgehog on rocks |
Hedgehog |
Clifford Bay, Marlborough |
Lake Tennyson and cattle |
NZ native Little Blue Penguin |
Little Blue Penguin |
Little Blue penguin |
Little Blue penguin |
Yellow eyed penguin |
Yellow eyed penguin |
Bee & Echinacea |
Red crowned parakeet |
Spur winged plover |
Spur-winged plover |
Native Tui bird |
Tui bird with brood patch |
Little German Owl |
Native wood pigeon |
Frog eye |
Green frog in pond |
Green frog in pond |
Green Frog, head and front legs |
Green frog |
Green Frog |
NZ Shoveler duck |
Native shoveller duck |
Native Tui bird |
Native Tui bird |
Tui birds |
Tui birds |
Ship rat |
Ship rat |
Kereru, native wood pigeon |
Spotted shags taking off |