Routeburn Track |
DOC track work, Routeburn track |
Routeburn Flats hut |
Routeburn Track |
Rain forest, South Westland |
Abel Tasman campsite |
Beech forest trail, Nelson Lakes |
Alpine tenting |
Alpine camping, Nelson Lakes |
Alpine camping, Nelson Lakes |
Alpine camping, Nelson Lakes |
Walkers on the Northern Circuit |
Mount Tongariro crossing |
Tararua F.P. |
Tararua F.P. |
Tents at Lk Leeb, Sth Westland |
South Westland |
Tramper, Waikaremoana |
Lewis Pass tent site |
Cup of tea at camp, Lewis Pass |
Lewis Pass |
foot prints in snow |
Alpine tramper |
Tramping |
Arthur's Pass N.P. |
Tramping |
Lake Douglas |
Franz Josef |
Buller River and swimmer |
Tent day |
Kaikoura Mountains |
Man with camera, Kaikoura ranges |
Marlborough tramper |
Tramper by Mahitahi River |
Tent camping |
Westland |
Ruahine Ranges |
Camping, Ruahine Forest Park |
Ivory Lake |
Ivory Lake |