Napier waterfront viewing platform |
Napier waterfront viewing platform |
Tom Parker Fountain, Napier |
Vineyard rows, Hawkes Bay |
Vineyard rows, Hawkes Bay |
Vineyard rows, Hawkes Bay |
Vineyard rows, Hawkes Bay |
Vineyard rows |
Vineyard rows |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Tom Parker Fountain, Napier |
Power pylons |
Vineyard rows, Hawkes Bay |
Vineyard rows, Hawkes Bay |
Vineyard rows, Hawkes Bay |
Vineyard rows, Hawkes Bay |
Vineyard rows, Hawkes Bay |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Wellington harbour sailing, moody |
Wellington harbour sailing, moody |
Matiu / Somes Island, Wellington |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Kapiti Island from Pukerua Bay |
Ohau River Mouth, Kuku. Horowhenua |
NZ forest interior, Tawa and ferns |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |
NZ forest interior, Tawa and ferns |
Power pylons, Desert Road |
Marsden Point Oil refinery, Northland |
S. Waikato Rd thru dairy conversion |
S. Waikato Rd thru dairy conversion |
Wild West Coast, Aranga, Northland |