Farmland and Tararuas |
Farmland and Tararuas |
Farmland and Tararuas |
Tararua farming, Horowhenua |
Farmland and Tararuas |
Dairy farming, Horowhenua |
Lake Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Country road, Tararuas |
Cattle grazing on dairy farm |
Lake Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Lake Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Lake Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Lake Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Lake Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Lake Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Lake Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Horowhenua Plains land use mosaic |
Horowhenua Plains land use mosaic |
Horowhenua Plains land use mosaic |
Horowhenua Plains land use mosaic |
Lake Horowhenua, Levin |
Waiopehu Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Couple on beach, Horowhenua |
Hokio Beach and Mt Ruapehu |
Hokio Beach and Mt Ruapehu |
Hokio Beach and Mt Ruapehu |
Storm brewing over grain field |
Sheep grazing on farmland |
Sheep grazing on pasture |
Lake Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Lake Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Horowhenua Plains land use mosaic |
Horowhenua Plains land use mosaic |
Lake Horowhenua, Levin |
Lake Horowhenua, Levin |
Lake Horowhenua, Levin |
Surf lifeguards, Waitarere, Horowhenu |
Surf lifeguards, Waitarere, Horowhenu |
Waiopehu Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Waiopehu Scenic Reserve, Levin |
Waiopehu Scenic reserve, Levin |
Waiopehu Scenic reserve, Levin |
Lone walker, Waitarere beach |
Dog walking, Waitarere beach |
Couple of beach, Horowhenua |
Hokio Beach and Mt Ruapehu |
Hokio Beach and Mt Ruapehu |
Sheep grazing on farmland |
Tararua Range |
Levin back road |
Market gardens |
Market gardening |
Frosted leaf |
Frosted pasture |
Frosted grass |
Market gardening |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |
Waitarere beach, Horowhenua |