Health warning sign |
Health warning sign |
Molesworth Station sign |
Moki Tunnel or the Hobbit's Hole |
KEEP OUT sign - summer camping |
Champagne Pool at Waiotapu, Roturua |
Taumarunui Racing Pigeon Club |
Te Anau town centre |
Te Anau town centre |
Te Anau town centre |
Polar bear numberplate, Nunavut |
Tourists on South Georgia beach |
Historic Ophir Bridge |
'Sorry nice people only' |
Tourists at Hillary Alpine Centre |
Enderby Settlement Cemetery |
Shipwreck grave, Sub-Antarctic is |
Enderby Settlement, Sub-Antarctic |
Shipwreck grave, Sub-Antarctic is |
Enderby Settlement, Sub-Antarctic |
Shot fired into DOC signage |
Vandals work on signage |
Vandals work on signage |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans stores |
Shackleton's Hut |
Hokianga Vehicle Ferry sign |
Vehicle ferry, Hokianga Harbour |
Tourists approach French base |
Trampers, Remutaka Forest area |
Wgtn Zoo public display |
DOC camp, Northland |
DOC campsite, Northland |
Beaver Road signpost, Kaipara |
Beaver Road signpost, Kaipara |
The Beehive, Wgtn |
Otari-Wilton Bush Reserve, Wgtn |
Colonial Cottage Museum, wgtn |
Kelburn Cable Car, Wellington |
Whale sculpture Oriental Bay Wgtn |
Yacht race, Wellington Harbour |
Surf life saving boat races |
Danger sign, Kepler Track |
Clifden suspension bridge |
Loading boat onto trailer |
Hunters spotting deer from boat |
Updating log book in hut, Southland |
Jet Boat taking a break, Fiordland |
Wairaurahiri River Jet Boat |
Lady Norwood Rose Gardens |
The Dell, Botanical Gardens |
Picnickers, Botanical Gardens |
Relaxing at Botanical Gardens |
Wellington Botanical Gardens |
Sightseers, Botanical Gardens |
Fountain, Botanical Gardens |
Sea Kayaking, Fiordland |
Kepler Track boardwalk, Fiordland |
Mt Luxmore Trig, Kepler Track |
Tramping,Kepler Track, Fiordland |
Tourists at Lake Pukaki Mt Cook |