Fiordland |
Milford Track, Clinton River |
Milford Track |
Milford Track Great Walk |
Fiordland River |
Milford Track - Clinton River |
Milford Track, Clinton Valley |
Forest stream |
Lewis Pass mountain tarn |
Lewis Pass tarn |
Richmond Ranges, Marlborough |
Mariua River, Sluice Box Gorge |
Maud Island, Marlborough Sound |
Looking up at Tawa forest |
Looking up at Tawa forest trees |
Mountain Tarn, Lewis Pass |
Dairy Cows, Westland |
Rata flowering, Arthur's Pass |
Southern Rate forest in flower |
Forest stream |
Waitomo river |
Waitomo river |
Bridal Veil Falls |
Coromandel summer holidays |
Coromandel summer fun |
Inside misty Manuka forest |
Tongaporutu River |
Mokau Inlet Lake Waikaremoana |
Lake Tarawera |
Lake Waikaremoana |
Forest Lagoon, Pureora Forest Park |
Motu River waterfalls |
Hick's Bay from the south |
Inside Tawa forest and understory |
Urewera forest |
Kahikatea forest |
NZ swamp forest |
Waihora Lagoon and Podocarp trees |
Waihora Lagoon and podocarp trees |
kereu River, Te kaha |
Forest interior |
River and rock |
Pelorus River |
Richmond Range |
Lake Chalice, Marlb. |
Lake Chalice, Marlb. |
Richmond Ranges |
Lake Chalice |
Richmond F.P. |
Richmond F.P. |
Richmond F.P. |
Tararua F.P. |
Tararua Trampers |
Dry forest lagoon, Pureora F.P. |
Tourist boat leaving Milford |
Milford Sound, Fiordland |
Milford Sound |
Milford Sound and Mitre Peak |
Routeburn Track |
Franz Josef Glacier |