Crabeater Seal |
Crabeater Seal on pack ice |
Crabeater seal on pack ice |
Crabeater seal on pack ice |
Remains of historic hut |
Rugged mountains of Elephant Island |
Shackelton's grave, South Georgia |
Male Antarctic Fur Seal |
Fur seal bull on beach |
Male Antarctic Seal |
Bull seal at Penguin colony |
Antarctic fur seal on beach |
Healthy male Antarctic Fur Seal |
Antarctic Fur Seal bull on beach |
Fur seal resting amongst penguins |
Healthy Antarctic Fur Seal bull |
Old Antarctic Fur seal on beach |
Aging Antarctic Fur Seal on beach |
Aging Antarctic Fur Seal |
Mollymawk flying over ocean |
Chinstrap Penguin on nest |
Chinstrap Penguins nesting |
Grader clearing heavy snow from road |
Dangerous road conditions |
Antarctic Tern resting on rocks |
Snowy Sheathbill on rocks |
Antarctic Snowy Sheathbill |
Approaching Leopard Seal |
Resting leopard seal |
Slopes of Mount Erebus |
Mount Erebus, Antarctica |
View of Mount Erebus from Cape Evans |
Mount Erebus in distance |
Shackleton's Ross Sea party cross |
Merino Rams |
Merino rams with lone suffolk |
Young seedling pine |
Young pine seedling |
Pine seedlings in plantation |
Young Monterey Pine seedling |
Road hazard sign for winter snow |
Snow along highway verges |
Main street of Waiouru in winter |
Parked cars at Matukituki |
National Grid crossing plateau |
Mating Adelie penguins |
Frost encrusted fencing wire |
Icebreaker Aurora Australis |
White-capped mollymawk |
Wilsons Storm Petrel |
Wilsons Storm Petrel |
Wilsons Storm Petrel |
Antarctic iceberg with Petrels |
Snow Petrel in flight |
Snow Petrel in flight |
Snow petrel, Antarctica |
Snow Petrel in flight, Antarctica |
Soaring Snow Petrel |
Snow Petrel on the wing |
Snow Petrel |