Article 5
'Capturing the Memories '
A touch of photo-journalism in the outdoors
By Rob L. Suisted
(Originally published
in New Zealand Outdoor magazine)
By putting a little photojournalism
into photos from our trips into the outdoors we’re creating
an awesome source of future satisfaction. |
Basically photojournalism is catching a story in a picture.
We can use it to capture moments and memories in a way that
no diary will, and it guarantees years of personal enjoyment.
Something I’ve noticed over
the last couple of years are the dirty big holes that are
starting to appear in my memory of outdoor trips gone by.
I can think of plenty of reasons for the holes: aluminium
billies; a full memory department under my top knot; or the
early onset of senility. Either way the results are the same
- I suspect that components of old hunting stories might be
expanding in size to fill the memory gaps and invariably they
relate to the size of trophies taken, but mostly trophies
missed - a bit like fishermans’ stories really. It’s almost
like hunters need a law for themselves to explain the phenomenon
- say, ‘Deerstalkers’ Law’. The law would state that components
of hunting stories tend to expand in size to fill memory deficiencies
(we all know that stories tend to get bigger with age and
this supports my hypothesis). I suspect that my hunting mates
have probably noticed this phenomenon also, indeed many might
say they noticed the symptoms years ago but didn’t let on.
But, why should I be telling you about my ability to forget
vital snippets about past trips into the wilderness? |
down and pulling out photos from old hunting trips is something
I thoroughly enjoy - I suspect we all do (it’s even better
if you can show them to a captive audience). It never ceases
to amaze me all the memories that the images jog. I keep a
diary of my trips but it never evokes the same reminiscences,
nor catches the moment right. As they say, a picture tells
a thousand words, and that’s a heck of a lot
The point that I’m keen to
make here is that most of us carry camera gear into the wilderness,
but few use it except to snap photos of scenery, or hunting
and fishing successes? Simply put I believe we’re forsaking
future enjoyment if we neglect to snap piccies often. Sure,
photographing a grinning hunter next to a hard won trophy
is pretty special, but for me the memories that linger longer
are of places been and more importantly of the characters
that I’ve shared trips with.
When I made a conscious decision
a few years ago to take photography more seriously, I did
so to the neglect of my casual trip photography. That’s something
I really regret and am correcting. |
Rebel of the Whataroa River!
Alan Brown looking a bit daunted by the territory. We’d spent
a long day on the Whymper Glacier chasing Himalayan tahr on
the surrounding bluffs. The weather had been miserable all
day but lifted in the evening to show the huge walk we still
had, along the glacier moraine, and up a horribly steep ridge
behind Alan’s hat, to camp in the cloud. We were both utterly
exhausted and my diary makes some pretty clear remarks about
that, but the look on Browny’s face says it all. Kodachrome
Looking back just now through
an album I came across an image of a couple of hunting mates
asleep on the main range of the Ruahines. It was summer and
the day was stinking hot and calm. After a very early start
and an unproductive morning we’d dozed off for a siesta in
the tussock. I’d woken up later to the pretty comical scene
of the guys making Z’s and snuck my camera out to record the
moment for posterity. What I didn’t foresee at the time was
Andrew waking up, giving me a smart comment about candid cameras,
before whacking off three big chunks of salami for his mates
to chew on. The bits were handed around and just about finished
when Ian forced out a blood curdling @#$%^@s!!
He’d just found that a big hairy blowfly had beaten him to
the salami, having delicately laid a huge number of small
cream eggs into the holes in the meat while it lay in the
pack! Now when I look at that original picture of the guys
lying in the tussock my memory always jumps to the colourful
fly blown salami incident, and I vividly recall Ian, the poor
sod, going for the water bottle in disgust, only to find it
empty. It’s ironic now that the photo shows him fast asleep
with a huge pair of black sunglasses that actually look like
flies eyes, but that’s starting to add licence. I get a damn
good chuckle looking at that photo that I don’t get from reading
my hunting diary!
To maximise the future personal
value of images there are many factors involved, but we can
learn a lot from the art of photojournalism - an art that
some would say TV has killed. While I’m no expert in this
area, it’s easy to see that what we’re dealing with is an
X factor that lifts an image out of the ordinary and tells
us and others a story, or triggers a memory. Exactly what
National Geographic, or LIFE magazine images do. For me it’s
caught in the accompanying photo of Paul Sinclair and rifle
sitting amongst leatherwood (below). |
I don’t know what it is exactly
that I like about this shot, but it catches the essence of
the moment and I remember it like yesterday. Three of us were
heading home on New Year’s Eve after spending 5 days cramped
into a tiny ‘dog box’ bivvy, high on the Ruahine tops. We’d
had a miserable time weather wise, continuous sleet and rain,
and no hunting of any kind to mention. The first lull saw
us packing up and hightailing it out. Morale as pretty well
shot and we were still four hours from the car when we stopped
for a break. While digging a snack out of my pack I paused
in the rain to record Paul’s expression in this image - an
image that not only locks my memories into my photo album,
but also draws an excellent understanding of the moment for
other viewers that weren’t there. It paints a story to viewers,
a story written by a thousand cold, wet miserable words; and
it’s not far wrong.
All of the accompanying images
have a strong underlying emotion and mood to them. It’s sensible
to appreciate that weather plays a huge role in producing
these moods in this type of photography. It’s no surprise
when we all know how powerful mountain weather can be to our
mere survival. Therefore, the image in the tent could be one
of resignation to the weather. Two are of hardship and discomfort
because of the weather, and the last is of elation, or sheer
awe, because of the incredible scenic surrounds; but notice
the strong mood that the weather puts into the picture.
Unfortunately when it comes
to moody weather, it is often our equipment that effects our
ability to grab pictures. Have you noticed that most pictures
are taken on nice fine days? That tends to give a biased view
of a trip. Whenever possible I try to snap away in overcast
or rainy weather conditions. There are a couple of reasons
for this, firstly it can add a tremendous amount of mood to
an image, especially if you’re in a wild place with a heavy
grey sky above, and secondly, you can be sure that the lighting
is very flat.
the walk ahead. Paul Sinclair leaving the Main Range of
the Ruahine Forest Park after 5 very long days stuck in
a dog kennel sized mountain bivvy because of bad weather.
Walking out we were cold, wet and miserable and were several
hours from the car. This candid image seems to capture
the mood of the moment - I remember it like yesterday,
and with it committed to film, I will still relate to
it when I’m 80. Kodachrome 64
This takes away harsh shadows
that can ruin photos, especially photos of people as they
won’t have dirty big shadows around their eyes. Problem is
though that wet days are very harsh on photo gear and it takes
a lot of effort to drag the camera out of your pack when you’d
rather be back in a warm hut out of the rain. Over the years
I’ve learnt a few habits for keeping water off the camera,
and especially the lens, while in the rain. Fortunately we’re
lucky these days that there are literally hundreds of good
point and shoot cameras on the market today, and most seem
to be at least weatherproof (that’s different to waterproof!).
Due to the small size of most of these cameras it’s now no
problem to carry them in a chest pocket and whip them out
for a quick one - a good example of this is the new Olympus
Mju II camera. It comes from a long line of tiny point and
shoots that continue to get smaller, and improve (I carry
it’s great grandmother the well known Olympus XA for the same
job and both have an excellent fast f2.8 lens which is helpful
in low light conditions).
One good technique is the
old candid camera approach. It’s all very well letting your
hunting mate do his or her hair, or to muck around for the
best pose, but it robs the dynamic nature of the moment; it
destroys the spontaneity of the shot. A useful technique here
if you can’t get around the ‘pose’ is to ‘accidentally’ snap
a few photos while they’re fluffing around with the posing
business. Just make out like it was a mistake and that you’re
not familiar with your equipment “.....oops, that was another
one, sorry!” Once in place make sure you do in fact grab the
posed photo, for two reasons, firstly to remain onside with
your offsider, and secondly, you’ll be able to see the comparison
between the two. Invariably it’s the unexpected shot that
captured the most essence.
A chap I know from Palmerston
North, the ever keen Russell Burr, has a classic story of
luck to recite. It was a story that I, and most other people,
were rather sceptical of initially. |
5 days
of torrential rain, while stuck in a tent in the heart
of the wilderness, can really hose you off! You know what
it’s like putting on wet socks and boots for the 4th day
running - it all gets a bit much. It’s good sometimes
to just take your coffee in bed and pray for blue skies!
Here Lance Barnard dreams of warmer, drier climes while
his coffee cools! This photo is a good memento of the
trip, firstly because is captures the sentiment, and secondly
because there was sod all else to photograph! He slept
for an hour and didn’t spill a drop.
Fujichrome Velvia 50.
It’s the kind of trip that
Russell regrets not having his camera on, not only to have
material to show his grandkids, but also to provide photographic
evidence that his mates would readily believe; much to his
regret. The story goes that he’d been sneaking around in the
lower reaches of the Big Wanganui River in Westland. He was
searching for a handy redskin when a helicopter buzzed low
overhead enroute upriver. Shortly it returned and Russell
decided to chuck the towel in, sure that the chopper had scared
everything off for the morning. Heading home the chopper flew
over again and again? Sometime later it flew in low, flared
and landed beside him. The pilot apologised for wrecking his
hunt and offered a lift back to the roadend which was keenly
accepted. Back at the car Russell was shocked to find a big
film crew gathered who offered him the opportunity to fill
a vacant slot in their rafting expedition for the day! ‘Right
on, can’t miss an opportunity like this’ Russell thought,
and it was a short flight up to Hunter’s hut were Russell
was wedged into a big inflatable rubber thing with Lana Cockroft
for the filming of a Mountain Dew on the Edge segment! He
was then forced to enjoy a wonderful day of rafting and sitting
in the natural hot pools with complimentary bubbly.
Of course, all has now been
confirmed with Russell’s grinning mug plastered all over prime
time television, but not before his integrity at his local
club had been seriously tested (I understand that he still
likes to take Pink Chardon in the bath though!). The point
here is that I’m deeply concerned for Russell’s ability to
maintain a holeproof memory of this incident as “Deerstalkers
Law” indicates that components of this story are likely to
expand and I for one have concerns from his grandkids’ perspective.
Luckily the video tape should suffice because there was a
real risk that Russell would have slipped into the Blackey
syndrome (after a keen Wellington hunter) were hunting mates
refuse to believe hunting yarns until supporting photographic
evidence is produced.
So, I know that when I’m past
chasing trophy Tahr around the Southern Alps with a camera
or rifle, I’ve got two options left: chase them around tourist
parks of Queenstown, or try for long shots from my armchair.
Either way I’m going to need inspiration from somewhere, and
that’s likely to come from photos of past trips. From now
on, as a bit of insurance, and for the sake of potential grandkids
(I say potential because I’m not even considering part shares
in kids yet!), I’ll be snapping plenty of ‘piccies’ to offset
early memory retirement, and guard against ‘Deerstalkers Law’.
Above the
head of the George River, George Sound, Fiordland. You probably
couldn't get further into wilderness than here! Behind me
was a thousand foot drop. This moss covered rock was a pedestal
that gave an incredible view over one of the most spectacular
places I’ve ever had the fortune to visit - the gesture
says it all! The image captures a moment and a memory for
me that no diary entry could ever equal.
Fujichrome Velvia 50
This article and images are copyright
to Rob L. Suisted - Nature's Pic Images. All rights reserved.